How to retire with enough retirement income?
We have over 20% of our population retiring or will be retiring during the next 10 years. The Baby Boomers, and this is a very large portion of our population. And they are looking into how to retire and if they have enough retirement income.
In this article, I will discuss retirement fundamentals and some misconceptions that I hope will change the Baby Boomers opinion about running towards the retirement exit with their eyes closed. Because, so far, all I see and read is doom and gloom about the Baby Boomers retiring.
In this discussion, I will walk you through how to create a quick retirement budget. Along with this, help you to figure out if you can retire. And after that, discuss some of the options that you would have.
Budget calculations can be detailed, I know that. But, stick with it and get it done. Trust me, you will feel better by the end of it. And if you have not saved enough for your retirement, then this exercise can be a bit scary, I know that too. But, stick with me and read this article.
I promise to keep the budget calculation as fun as possible. Moreover, it would also help you to figure out how to retire with enough retirement income.
And, if you think I can help, please leave me a note in the comments section below, and will do my best to help you. I have a Retirement Budget Form for you. Click here to download it. This form will help you, in a big way, to figure out your retirement finances.
Let’s discuss the fundamentals of how to retire with enough retirement income:
The following points will explain all you need to know:
1- Create a Current Budget
Prepare a monthly budget that is based on your current situation. Include in it your current income from all sources like your salary and other income.
After that, subtract from it all that you’r spending, like your mortgage, electrical and water bills and so on. And then figure out how much money you have left, or perhaps you have nothing left. Either way, it is OK. Just follow these steps. They are just numbers for now. So, stay positive.
2- Calculate your Liquid Assets
Liquid assets are money and investments that you can use almost immediately, like your savings. Calculate how much savings you have, all the savings. This can include your retirement savings, 401K, IRA, RRSP, cash, mutual funds, stocks and so on.
3- Calculate your Net Fixed Assets
Fixed assets are things like your house, and other properties that you may own. Calculate your net fixed assets. This means that take the house that you own and find out its current value.
After that, subtract the mortgage from the house current value. This number will give you, your net fixed assets on the house. Once you have done this, do the same for other fixed assets that you may have. It can include your cottage, your summer home or any other properties that you may own.
4- Calculate the Total usable money for retirement income
Add the Liquid Assets to the Net Fixed Assets. This number will give you, your total usable money and potentially, can be used for retirement.
Remember, we are trying to figure out how to retire and if you will have enough retirement income.
5- Create your Retirement Monthly Budget
Now, think about the lifestyle that you are looking forward to when you retire. And using this image you have in mind, create a monthly budget for that. The easiest way to do this calculation is by taking the Current Budget that you created earlier and modify it.
Take out your salary because you will not be making a salary in your retirement. And take away all the expenses that you will not need during your retirement. It can be anything such as commuting expenses, and perhaps owning one car instead of two cars, and so on.
And now, add to your budget the things that you want to do while in retirement, such as golfing, craft and art lessons, and so on. Moreover, calculate everything and look at the bottom line. This would be the amount of money you need on a monthly basis to be able to retire.
I have a Retirement Budget Form for you. Click here to download it. This form will help you, in a big way, to figure out your retirement finances.
6- Guaranteed Monthly Retirement Income
Calculate all the sources of income you would be eligible for while in retirement. And in there include things like your monthly pension payments, for union and government employees and in some cases corporate employees.
Then, add to that your Social Security for Americans, or Canada Pension Plan for Canadians. Depending on the country you live in, add the government’s pension that every person is eligible for.
7- Retirement Income Balance
Calculate how much money you will need on a monthly bases above and beyond the Guaranteed Monthly Retirement Income.
You can do this by subtracting the Retirement Monthly Budget from the Guaranteed Monthly Retirement Income.
In other words:
Retirement Income Balance = Guaranteed Monthly Retirement Income – Retirement Monthly Budget.
This number will tell you if you have enough money coming from your Guaranteed Monthly Retirement Income or not. It would also let you know if you need to bring more money to be able to retire with enough retirement income or not.
If this calculation gives you a Zero or a Positive number, then you are in good shape! You can retire with enough retirement income just with your Guaranteed Monthly Retirement Income.
On the other hand, if this calculation gives you a net Negative number. Then you need to look at other sources of income. This would mean that you will need some of your savings to be able to retire with enough income.
8- Years to Live
The average life expectancy for Baby Boomers, as of now, is about 85 years. Depending on your current age, today’s age, calculate how many years you have left to the age of 85. Years to Live = 85 – your current age.
9- Savings
Take a look at your savings which is the number you calculated earlier – Total usable money for retirement income. Divide this number by the number of Years to Live. This will give you the amount of money you can spend every year until the age of 85. Then divide this amount by 12 to give you the money you have available for your retirement to supplement your income for each month.
Now, let’s call this amount Savings.
10- Can you retire?
Let’s now recalculate the Retirement Income Balance by adding the Savings.
In other words; Retirement Income Balance = Guaranteed Monthly Retirement Income + Savings – Retirement Monthly Budget.
If you get a positive number, then you are in good shape. And this means that you can retire with your Guaranteed Monthly Retirement Income and your Savings.
On the other hand, if the number is negative, then you need to adjust your spending in your Retirement Monthly Budget. Remove the spending that you can live without from your Retirement Monthly Budget. After that, recalculate your Retirement Income Balance. If the result continues to be a negative number, then unfortunately, you can’t retire right now and you need to work a bit longer.
For most of us Baby Boomers, we don’t have enough money in savings to last until the age of 85. But it is a good exercise to do your retirement budget calculation, because now you know if you can retire with your current savings or perhaps you can’t. Moreover, you will also know how much money you will need to last until the age of 85. And this would help you to determine the amount of savings you will need for your retirement.
I have a Retirement Budget Form for you. Click here to download it. This form will help you, in a big way, to figure out your retirement finances.
Retirement Misconceptions
Let’s talk about the retirement misconception now. And my very first question for you is: why not work a little bit longer?
Like I said earlier, our average life expectancy is 85 years. So, if you are thinking of retiring and you are 55, 60 or even 65, you will have 20-30 years of retirement. And this is a very long time. I guarantee you, you will be bored to tears for this many years in retirement.
Our society has brainwashed us into thinking that we need to retire at some age around 60. Well, why? There is no reason for this whatsoever!
We are all rushing towards retirement. But most of us have not stopped for a minute to think about it. And to make things worse, all of our systems, the financial industry, corporate policies, and government policies, are all geared up and focused on us retiring around the age of 60.
It is like a long line up to the exit. And the exit is jammed packed since there are too many of us Baby Boomers.
Have we stopped and asked ourselves:
What if we don’t want to retire, and like what we do, our work? We are healthy and we want to continue working. Why should we be in the line-up to retire?
Most people look forward to retirement as if it is going to be a glorious event. And what if it is not, and it is the worst thing that could happen to some of us?
So I say, why push for retirement, and think of working a little longer? And as long as we are healthy, able, and like our work, let’s just work!
Once we have this shift in our thinking and stop talking about retirement, then we can start influencing the systems around us. We will also be able to easily settle in and enjoy our life now while we are making money and staying healthy.
There are many issues that we, the Baby Boomers are facing. And one question that everyone of us has, is: how can we retire with enough retirement income? Because, inevitably, we will need to retire. And, if so far we have screwed it up and we did not save enough for retirement income, it is time to buck up. We need to, now, get our act together and start doing things right.
Tell me what you think about this article and what topics you would like me to cover next by leaving me a comment. And I will try my best to do it.
I have a Retirement Budget Form for you. Click here to download it. This form will help you, in a big way, to figure out your retirement finances.
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He has over 30 years of business experience and founded a few companies of his own, Click here to learn more
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